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Thursday, December 16, 2010

Oxycontin and Hydrocodone linked to Heart Diseases and Fractures

More pain medications are coming under closer scrutiny. Opioids (that include Oxycontin, Hydrocodone, Tramadol and Propoxyphene) have recently been shown, according to a recent study, to be linked with heart diseases and increased bone fractures.

The study was published in the Archives of Internal Medicine. It looked at 13,000 Medicare patients with osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis who received a prescription for either NSAIDs (such as ibuprofen), COX-2 inhibitors (such as Vioxx and Celebrex), or opioids (such as oxycodone and hydrocodone). The study was performed over a six-year period.

The study indicates that those that took opioids were at a 4.5 times greater risk of suffering a hip, pelvis, wrist, or arm fracture!

On top of that, the study suggests that opioid consumers were more likely to suffer from a heart attack than those that take COX-2 inhibitors (Vioxx was puled from the market because of its link to heart attacks and other cardiovascular issues).  According to an article on CNN: 

"In addition to the increased risk of fracture, people who took opioids were more than twice as likely to have a heart attack than their counterparts who took NSAIDs. Surprisingly, the risk of heart attack associated with opioids was even higher than that seen with Vioxx and other COX-2 inhibitors, a class of drugs that has been plagued by concerns about heart problems, including heart attack. (Vioxx and Bextra were withdrawn from the market for this reason, and Celebrex is now the only COX-2 inhibitor sold in the U.S.)"

Wow! I have told patients for years that taking any pain medication is a trade off, and this recent study confirms it.  Man-made chemicals are a risk to you and your health and should only be taken when all else fails.

Dr. Daniel H. Solomon, MD and lead author of the study said that "Opioids are not as safe as people had hoped," ( Dr. Solomon is a rheumatologist and epidemiologist at Brigham and Women's Hospital, in Boston, Massachusetts.) "We need to recognize that opioids are not without risk."

Dr. Solomon further recommends that physicians should take a closer look at the non-opioid pain reduction methods, such as NSAIDS (advil, motrin), and other NON DRUG METHODS for the treatment of pain...

Thank you Dr. Solomon.

Here are some suggestions for the treatment of pain without drugs:

1) A healthy, anti-inflammatory diet
2) Chiropractic manipulation or adjustments
3) Acupuncture therapy
4) Increased exercises and stretching
5) Massage therapy

Do you know what the side affects of the above 5 treatments is?  Good health...
The risks of non-medicine approaches for pain control are SOOOO minimal. Patients have nothing to loose to try them and possibly much to gain.

Keith E. Biggs, DC

Friday, December 10, 2010


TMJ discorder is a condition that is characterized by abnormal motion, function, or pain in the jaw joints.  In my office, we have historically used jaw joint adjustment techniques and soft tissue therapies to the muscles involved in jaw joint movement.  At times, we also recommend a bite guard or "splint". Sometimes an oral surgeon or dentist must be employed.

Just today, in my office, I used a new technique to treat a patient with bothersome clicking and discomfort in the jaw joint.  I used a type of acupuncture therapy known as auriculotherapy. To put it simply, I used a small, hand-held electrical devise to stimulate acupuncture points in the ears that are related to TMJ disorders. The result was amazing and instantaneous. The patient moved her jaw after only 5 minutes of treatment, and the look of surprise in her eyes told of the amazing results. She was experiencing no more clicking in the jaw. The amazing thing about this case is that she has been my patient for several months, and I had tried many things to try and help the jaw clicking. All of my typical treatment methods had failed, and I had sent her to her dentist and an oral surgeon for treatment.  Within the past month or so, however, I had learned more regarding Auriculotherapy, and I decided today, with the patient, that we had nothing to loose by trying it.

Based on the results, I will be using this specialized acupuncture technique more frequently!

Keith Biggs, DC

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Arthritis Pain Alternatives

Recently I came across this article that was posted on MSN. I thought that it was well done, and provided some valuable information, so here is the link:

Pain medication for the treatment of arthritis pain only masks the symptoms.  There are also several negative side affects related to taking pain medication. For example, Ibuprofen is linked to gastrointestinal bleeding, and is responsible for an estimated 100,000 deaths every year. Tylenol, on the other hand, is severely toxic to the liver.

The good news about the alternatives listed in the article is that the side affects are improved health generally. In other words, if they don't have any affect on your arthritis pain, they are likely to help your body be more healthy generally.

Say No to Drugs... something that we try and teach our children, but something that many of us, as adults, should take to heart.

Keith Biggs, DC

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Scientific Evidence of Acupuncture Benefits

A recent study in Germany showed activities within the brain on "functional" MRI with the application of acupuncture. Here is the link

I found the article quite interesting. I demonstrated changes within the brain during the application of acupuncture that possibly describe how acupuncture helps to control pain.

Keith E Biggs, DC

Monday, December 6, 2010

Ear Acupuncture for Headache

It was a long day at work today, and at the end, I had one last patient to treat today... Kim, my receptionist. She is an awesome worker, and she said that she was feeling a nasty headache in the base of her skull and top of her neck.

Normally, I would place her on the adjusting table and look for abnormal joint motion in the upper neck and hypertonic or tight muscles in the neck and shoulder region. Instead, I grabbed the Stim Plus Pro, a small electrical acupuncture device, and I pulled up some auriculotherapy, or ear acupuncture charts, and started treating points in her left and right ears.

The response was amazing. I started working on her right ear, and within 2-3 minutes, the headache was totally gone on the right side of her head. I then moved to the left ear. Again, after spending a few short minutes treating points (all without needles!), the pain was gone in the head completely.

This was accomplished WITHOUT any medication, without chiropractic manipulation, without trigger point work, and WITHOUT NEEDLES.

Auriculotherapy, or ear acupuncture, is a branch of acupuncture, and it is amazing how powerful it is. If you or somebody you know suffers from headaches, perhaps this is a treatment method that they would benefit from. It is safe, affective, and relatively easy to apply.

There are many other conditions that respond well to this type of treatment. They include back pain, pain in other parts of the body, digestion issues, allergies, and smoking addiction, just to name a few. I am also currently treating patients for weight loss with auriculotherapy to help reduce appetite.

Keith Biggs, DC

Saturday, December 4, 2010


Auriculotherapy is s sub-specialty of acupuncture in which the points being treated are within the ears. It offers many benefits to the patient.

1)     All of the points being treated are in the ear. The patient doesn’t have to get into a gown or disrobe.
 The treatment can be done with or without needles. In my office, I prefer to use a hand held electrical device that allows me to search for and treat the acupuncture points.
 The results of treatment can be instantaneous. Just last week I had a patient that excitedly said her lower back pain was gone after only 20 seconds of stimulation on 3 acupuncture points in her left ear!

There are literally hundreds of conditions that can be treated with auriculotherapy. Some of the most commonly known are the addictions. Many people find that auriculotherapy helps in smoking cessation, alcohol addiction, and in weight loss programs. Auriculotherapy is also very beneficial in treating painful conditions such as back pain, neck pain, and headaches.  As stated before, it is painless and often immediately affective.

Like full body acupuncture, many internal organ issues can be benefited.  Just yesterday I had a patient that was being treated for weight loss. She was in my office for her second treatment. When we were done, she asked me if the treatment that I had given her might have some affect on her digestion. She said that she felt that her bowel movements were more regular after her first treatment. She confided in me that she often went for several days without evacuating her bowel.  A review of the points used for the treatment of digestive issues, when compared to those used for weight loss revealed several overlaps.

In short, auriculotherapy offers a painless, no-needle acupuncture option for the treatment of many conditions. There are no side effects and few contraindications for its use.
Keith Biggs, DC

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Holiday Office Hours- Thanksgiving Week

Hello Everyone,
First, we want to wish all our patients and their families a most blessed Thanksgiving holiday.  We hope that you may find comfort in all that we really should be thankful for.

Second, our office will be open for the morning hours today (Wednesday the 24th). We will be closed Thursday the 25th through Sunday the 28th.  We will reopen on Monday the 29th at 8:30 AM.

Happy Thanksgiving,
Dr. Biggs and Staff

Keith E. Biggs, DC

3617 E. Southern, Suite 8
Mesa, AZ  85206
Office:  480-985-3334
Cell:     480-375-0068

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Stop Smoking Now!

Is it really necessary to argue the point that smoking kills?  I believe not, so lets move on...

The problem is that although smoking is so deadly, it is also extremely addictive. I have known some people who have quit smoking without any help, but the truth of the matter is that most smokers require some form of assistance to kick the habit. One thing is for certain. Some day, all smokers quit... hopefully before they die from it!

If you are a smoker, I can help.

Auriculotherapy has proven to be 75% affective, it is safe, and it is affordable.  The cost of the stop smoking program ($199) can often be recouped within a couple of months simply through not purchasing cigarettes. The life long savings are priceless. How much would you pay for an additional ten years of life?

The great thing about auriculotherapy is that it is painless, and requires no needles.  Treatment is completed in one week.

Not motivated yet? Is the risk of struggling to breath and suffering with heart disease, emphysema, lung cancer or some other horrible disease not enough to cause you to seek professional help?  Perhaps this will: For a limited time, you can quit with painless, needless acupuncture for only $99... but only if you act now.

Click this link to find out how you can save $100.

Now is the time to quit, and I can help. 

Give me a call or email me if you have questions.

Keith Biggs, DC
480 985-3334

Thanksgiving and Acupuncture.

Dear Patients:

Happy Thanksgiving!  This is my favorite holiday, and I would like to take this opportunity to tell you how much I have enjoyed you, and how grateful I am to know you. We don't get through this life on our own, and I feel blessed to know you. I hope that you enjoy the holiday with family and friends. It is a tough time for all of us, with the economy, job issues, etc, but take the time to give thanks this holiday. We all have been truly blessed regardless of our circumstances.

One last note... I am conducting a study in house. I am using electrical meridian mapping to attempt to measure the affect of energy bracelets.  The study does not require needles. I am looking for a few more people that are willing to participate.  Here are the requirements:

1) Must have a medium to large size wrist (I have only one size energy bands donated from the company!)
2) Must be willing to have me measure acupuncture meridian energy once per week.  (don't worry, no needles)
3) Must be willing to wear the wrist band 24/7.
4) The study lasts for at least 2 months.
The benefit is that you get a free energy band! These retail for about $30. Some bands are much more expensive.

If you would like to participate, please let me know. I have some that have already started the study, and I would like to get the remaining bands out and the rest of the test subjects started ASAP!

Happy Thanksgiving

Dr. Keith Biggs

PS:  Do you know of anyone that is struggling with their health because of smoking or drug addiction? No-Needle acupuncture has been shown to be a safe, affective, and inexpensive aid. Let me know if I can help.

Keith E. Biggs, DC

3617 E. Southern, Suite 8
Mesa, AZ  85206
Office:  480-985-3334
Cell:     480-375-0068

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Take This Pill, Call me in the Morning...

Imagine this conversation between a patient, Mrs. Smith, and her MD, Dr. House.

Mrs. Smith:  "Doctor House, I have bad back pain, it has bothered me for years. Please help."

Dr. House, MD: "No problem. Looks like you pulled a muscle." (actually, kind of sounds like a bulging or herniating disc to me... but I don't have the time to try and explain that to her.) "I know what you need. Take Darvocet. It works amazingly well."( covering up your pain so that you don't worry about what is really going on inside your body...)

Mrs Smith:  "Is it safe?"

Dr. House:  "Perfectly safe, don't you worry a bit!" (I will do periodic blood tests to see if you are having heart reactions and to see if it is sufficiently killing your liver to warrant me taking the drug away from you. I will also watch how many you take because since it is an opiate, it is very addictive...after all, I do care about my patients... I'm sure glad that I don't have to take it... I almost forgot... I have my chiropractic appointment later today! Dr... I mean Mr... Jones sure has helped my lower back pain!)

Mrs. Smith:  "You are so kind, and so smart Dr. House! Do you have anything that I could take for my headaches?"

Dr. House:  "Of course! There is this new little blue pill that is amazing." (at least the cute, young drug rep in the short tight skirt told me that it was a miracle...)

Patient:  "Is it safe?"

Dr. House:  "Absolutely, the FDA recently approved it!" (...after two double blind studies... or was it one study where they found that it might cause blindness... oh I don' remember...)

Patient:  "Dr. House, you are so smart, and so current!  I don't know what I would do without you!"

Dr. House:  "Thank you, thank you!  Please pay your $50 co-pay on the way out.... and let me know if you would like to take any more chemicals... I mean medications... for your depression, and make sure that you continue to take your high blood pressure medications! (poor girl just might die from an aneurysm. She Should loose weight and stop smoking, but I don't have the time... and she is probably too lazy to do anything about it anyway...).    "Oh, and one more thing... I am going to contact my good friend, Dr. Smith, the neurosurgeon to see what can be done about that nagging sciatica ( Dr. Smith ALWAYS gives me the nicest Christmas basket full of goodies. I sure like him.  Its a shame what happened to my other patient on his operating table two years ago... what was his name again?)

Mrs. Smith:  "Oh, I almost forgot.  Dr. House, little Jimmy is now in second grade, and his teacher says that he is driving her crazy.... claims that he has the classic symptoms of ADHD..."

Dr. House:  "Say no more!  I know what he needs. Make sure that you set up an appointment for Jimmy at the front desk. We should see him ASAP for that ADHD."  (A couple of weeks on my miracle pills and little Jimmy will be quietly sitting in the corner in no time!)

Mrs. Smith:  (to the receptionist...)  "I just love Dr. House. He is so thorough, and he really cares about his patients.  Can you get Jimmy in later this week?"

I know, there is a lot of sarcasm in this little dialogue, but satire is only funny if there is an element of truth.

Oh, by the way, did I tell you that the FDA, just last week, recommended that Darvocet be removed from the marketplace? "The drug's effectiveness in reducing pain is no longer enough to outweigh the drug's serious potential heart risks," the FDA said in a statement released Friday.

Don't worry though, it is perfectly safe, really. It has been used by thousands of patients since it was introduced in 1956...

Keith Biggs, DC

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Office Closed Tomorrow- Veteran's Day Celebration Ideas

Hello All!

Just a friendly reminder that our office will be observing Veterans Day and will be closed all day. We will reopen at 8:30AM on Friday November 12th.

Thank you to all our patients and their families who are Veterans or are currently serving. We are grateful for your service.

Dr Biggs, Kim and Holly

Some quick ideas to help show your support to our Veterans:

Nov. 11

Veterans Day Gourd Dance and Community Potluck: 11 a.m.-4 p.m. Honor those who have served our country with a community potluck and gourd dancing. Gourd dance is a type of Native American celebration dance believed to have originated with the Kiowa tribe. Bring your favorite dish to share. Gourd dancing begins at 11:30 a.m. No registration required. Free. Pueblo Grande Museum and Archaeological Park, 4619 E. Washington St., Phoenix. 602-495-0901.

Veterans Day at Arizona Museum for Youth: 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Make patriotic-inspired artwork in honor of Veterans Day. Activities are inspired by the museum's exhibition "NASA I Art: 50 Years of Exploration." Arizona Museum for Youth, 35 N. Robson, Mesa. 480-644-2468. Fee for veterans, members and those younger than 1.

Veterans Day in Avondale: 10 a.m. Avondale honors veterans with a fly-over from Luke Air Force base, special guest presentations and a re-enlisting ceremony for three service men and women at Luke. Avondale Civic Center, 11465 W. Civic Center Drive. Free. 623-333-1000.

Mesa Veterans Day Parade: 11 a.m. Watch the parade of marching bands, military vehicles, floats and veteran groups strut down the streets of downtown Mesa, beginning at Center Street and First Ave. Free. 58 W. Main St. 480-890-2613.

Veterans Day: 3-5 p.m. Honor and celebrate American veterans at this memorial ceremony, which includes guest speakers, dignitaries and live performances. McCormick-Stillman Railroad Park, 7301 E. Indian Bend Road, Scottsdale. 480-312-2312.

Veteran in a New Field: Winslow Homer and the Civil War: 3 p.m. Before modern media, visual artists were called upon to illustrate patriotism and portray the cost of freedom. In honor of Veterans Day, Sarah Moore, associate professor of art history at the University of Arizona, discusses how Winslow Homer's images of battle and soldier life made those mindful of the cost of freedom the during Civil War. Free. Phoenix Art Museum, 1625 N. Central Ave. 602-257-1222.

Free Meal for Veterans and Military: 5:30-9 p.m. Veterans and members of the U.S. military are offered a complimentary meal when they present their military ID or proof of former service. Create a three-course meal from any items on Sassi's menu. Menu prices vary. Sassi, 10455 E. Pinnacle Peak Parkway, Scottsdale. 480-502-9095.

Free Meal for Veterans: 11 a.m.-10 p.m. Veterans get a free entree when they present military ID, dog tags, a picture or memorabilia indicating their service. Entree choices include St. Louis-style ribs, Texas beef brisket, country-roasted chicken and Georgia chopped pork. Free meal for veterans with ID. Famous Dave's Legendary Pit Bar-B-Que.

- 3250 W. Frye Road, Chandler. 480-782-1212.

- 16148 N. 83rd Ave., Peoria. 623-979-3706.

- 2206 E. Williams Field Road, Gilbert. 480-722-2781.

- 1011 N. Dobson Road, Mesa. 480-615-1444.

The Phoenix VA Health Care System's Annual Veterans Day Parade: 11 a.m. This year's theme is "Defending Freedom, Protecting Dreams" and features 100 entries, including several large helium balloons shaped like a bald eagle and Uncle Sam. This year's celebrity grand marshal is Tristan Topps, Ms. United States 2010. The parade begins at the hospital grounds and ends at North Phoenix Baptist Church. See website for parade route. Free. Carl T. Hayden VA Medical Center, 650 E. Indian School Road. 602-277-5551.

Veterans Day Service: 10 a.m. Honor America's military men and women at this annual service. The program includes an inspirational message, music and military honors. It concludes with a release of white doves. Refreshments follow. Free. Mariposa Gardens Memorial Park, 400 S. Power Road, Mesa. 480-830-4422.

JW Marriott Desert Ridge Resort & Spa Honors Camp Patriot: JW Marriott Desert Ridge Resort and Spa donates $1 for every spa treatment, round of golf and dining experience that occurs at the resort on Veterans Day to Camp Patriot, a non-profit organization for disabled U.S. military veterans. JW Marriott Desert Ridge Resort and Spa, 5350 E. Marriott Drive, Phoenix. 480-293-5000.

Blood Drive: 1-6 p.m. Red Cross is on-site for this drive honoring veterans. To schedule an appointment, phone or go online and enter the sponsor code: dignity. Free. Mariposa Gardens Memorial Park, 400 S. Power Road, Mesa. 480-830-4422.

Vets Wash Free: Veterans and active military personnel get a free car wash. Donations are collected to benefit Operation Homefront of Arizona, an organization that provides emergency financial and other assistance to the families of our service members and wounded warriors, and the Pat Tillman Foundation, an organization that invests in veterans and their families through education, community and advocacy. Free car wash. Cobblestone Auto Spa, 3739 E. Bell Road, Phoenix.

Second Annual Pancake Breakfast: 5 a.m.-noon. Surprise firefighter charities and Long Realty host the pancake breakfast for Veterans Day. They serve pancakes, eggs and bacon. Donations accepted. For details, e-mail Fire Station 306, 16645 W. Clearview Blvd., Surprise.

Veterans Day Celebration: 10 a.m.-2 p.m. The event features food, activities for kids and entertainment. Free. Tolleson Veterans Park, 8601 W. Van Buren St., Tolleson. 623-936-2705.

Veterans Day Parade: 10:30 a.m. A parade begins at the Tuscany Falls Clubhouse and proceeds along Clubhouse Drive, ending at the Armed Forces Plaza near Eagles Nest Clubhouse. Featured are veterans from each branch of the service, marching bands from Agua Fria and Desert Edge high schools, American Legion Post 61 Golden Legionnaires Honor/Color Guard, Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 91, the Classic Car Club and Motorcycle Chapter 11 Club. A ceremony at 11 a.m. includes posting of the colors, a gun salute and ringing of the memorial bell. Refreshments are available for purchase at Tuscany Falls and Eagles Nest clubhouses. Bring lawn chairs and flags to wave. Free. PebbleCreek Eagle's Nest Country Club, 3651 N. Clubhouse Drive, Goodyear. 623-935-6750.

Read more:

Keith E. Biggs, DC

3617 E. Southern, Suite 8
Mesa, AZ  85206
Office:  480-985-3334
Cell:     480-375-0068

Monday, November 8, 2010

Now I'm Really Depressed

The FDA has approved the use of the anti-depressant drug Cymbalta for the treatment of lower back pain...

Side-effects of the drug are:
Nausea, dry mouth, insomnia, drowsiness, constipation, fatigue, and dizziness. Other serious side effects include liver damage, allergic reactions such as hives, rashes and/or swelling of the face, pneumonia, depressed mood, suicide, suicidal thoughts and behavior.

Am I the only one who sees a problem with this?  According to the FDA you are not to worry about the side affects because:
1) SERIOUS side affects only occur about 1% of the time... according to the FDA, and
2) All other pain medications used to treat lower back pain also have the potential for serious side affects.

Wow... now I feel better about it...

I don't know about you, but I get tired of how freely medications (chemicals, manufactured by man and not naturally present within the natural chemical composition of humans) are approved, touted as safe, and then pushed off on the population at large. Years later, these very same chemicals are found to be "not safe" and withdrawn. By then, the damage to all who have taken them is done...

I know that it sounds like I am anti-medication, but in reality I am not.  I am, on the other hand, tired of the demeaning and bashing of healthy alternatives, such as Chiropractic.  Did you know that Chiropractic is beneficial in the treatment of lower back pain?  Did you know that the risks involved with chiropractic care are so low that my malpractice annual insurance premium is equal to or less than what I pay for auto insurance?

I guarantee that chiropractic care will not cause any of the following:

Nausea, dry mouth, insomnia, drowsiness, constipation, fatigue, and dizziness. Other serious side effects include liver damage, allergic reactions such as hives, rashes and/or swelling of the face, pneumonia, depressed mood, suicide, suicidal thoughts and behavior.

Keith Biggs, DC

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

20% Suffer with Arthritis

Arthritis limits mobility, causes pain, affects more than 20 percent of the population and costs the U.S., and costs $128 billion annually.  Data from a recent government survey found that from 2007 through 2009, close to 50 million people had been diagnosed with arthritis by their doctor. Those most at risk were individuals who are obese, those who exercised less, those who smoke, and those who have lower levels of education. Arthritis is injury and inflammation of the joints. Arthritis is typically associated with pain, swelling, stiffness and limited motion. 

The medical approach to treating arthritis is primarily limited to pain medication. Severe cases are treated surgically through joint replacement procedures.  The medical treatment of arthritis with medications such as Tylenol, Motrin, Advil, Aleve, Celebrex, and Viox comes at a significant cost to the patient, and I am not talking simply financial. Liver disease, heart attacks, ulcers, gastrointestinal bleeding, and strokes are just some of the conditions that are linked to taking these pain medications. Some speculate that these drugs actually accelerate degenerative changes (arthritis) within joints. Surgical joint replacement offers not guarantee, and like any surgical procedure, puts the patient at risk of infection, stroke, and even death.

Doctors of chiropractic are experts at treating the many joints of the body in order to restore motion and nutrition to the joints, thereby reducing inflammation, stiffness and pain. One of the most common forms of treatment utilized by the chiropractor is the adjustment or manipulation of the joints. If you are suffering from pain, stiffness or swelling of one or more joints, schedule a consultation or examination from your local chiropractor today to see of chiropractic can help. 

Keith Biggs, DC

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Car Accident Advise

Motor vehicle accidents, or car accidents, are a major cause of injuries, and those injuries can vary from very mild to severe in nature. The most severe of car accidents can cause death or dismemberment.  Every year, there are more than 6 million accidents in the United States, resulting in approximately 3 million injuries and 45,000 deaths.

As the above statistics show, less than one percent of the car accidents results in a fatality.  Nearly half of them, however, result in injuries. Some of the more common injuries are lacerations or cuts, broken bones, spinal injuries, neck injuries, bruises, knee injuries, shoulder injuries, and fractures. Since many of the injuries can be quite serious and life threatening, emergency response personnel are typically sent to the scene. Their job is to make an initial evaluation of injuries and determine which injuries are potentially serious. It is also very important to seek medical care following most accidents. Emergency room physicians are highly trained to look for life-threatening conditions and signs. They have technology available to them that can save lives.

Fortunatley, most patients are treated and released from emergency rooms the very same day of the accident. This does not mean, however, that these patients have not suffered significant injuries to bones, joints, ligaments, and muscles.  For this very reason, the second type of physician that should be consulted is your chiropractor.The visit to the chiropractor is just as important as your visit to the emergency room, since appropriate treatment by a chiropractor can help to prevent a life full of residual pain and disability.
Chiropractic physicians are highly trained in the evaluation and detection of joint, muscle, and other soft tissue damages. A good chiropractor will look for abnormal joint movements, muscle injury, and signs of nerve damages. If these types of injuries are present, the chiropractor will guide you through your efforts in obtaining a full recovery. It makes a lot of sense to seek non-drug or surgical care for these types of injuries, whenever possible. Drugs have their side affects, and surgery is risky and irreversible. Chiropractic care, on the other hand, is very affective and is associated with little or no negative side effects.

At times the injuries resulting from car accidents result in permanent physical disabilities. Again, these might be very mild inconveniences, or they might be significant and life altering. The chiropractor can recognize these issues and make the appropriate referrals as needed.
Although chiropractic care is very inexpensive, especially when compared to care at a hospital or emergency room, the bills can add up quickly. An attorney might be very beneficial in helping the injured person in obtaining the insurance coverage necissary to treat the injuries, and a financial settlement through the insurance companies to help the injured make the transition back into the post-accident life and to recoup expenses incurred as a result of the accident.

Auto accidents are very serious situations that should not be taken lightly. Seek help from professionals that are specifically trained to help you. They will help you to get back on your feet, return to work, prevent re-injury, and obtain the financial assistance required. They can help you to avoid dangerous pitfalls.  The emergency response personnel, medical doctors, chiropractors, and personal injury attorney's are your allies.

Keith Biggs, DC
Biggs Chiropractic and Acupuncture

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Office Hours Change


This is just a friendly reminder that our office will be closed this coming Thursday, October 28th.  We will be in the office tomorrow from  9:00 AM- Noon and 2:30- 6:00PM and Friday we will be open from 8:30AM- Noon and 2:30-6:00PM.  Thank you in advance for your understanding.  If you have an appointment scheduled for this Thursday and I have not spoken with you to reschedule, please call our office at 480-985-3334.  I have attempted to call each of our patients that have not been rescheduled at least twice.

Best of health,
Biggs Chiropractic

Keith E. Biggs, DC

3617 E. Southern, Suite 8
Mesa, AZ  85206
Office:  480-985-3334
Cell:     480-375-0068

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

National Chiropractic Health Month

October is National Chiropractic Health Month (NCHM). NCHM is a nationwide campaign sponsored by the American Chiropractic Association (ACA), which recognizes chiropractic professionals as preventive care providers with expertise in optimizing health. This year's theme is "Why Weight? Get Healthy."

According to the Center for Disease Control, obesity affects more than 60 percent of all adults in the United States.

There are many things that can be done to loose weight, but the biggest step is the first.  The ACA recommends taking some of these small steps:

- Follow a balanced diet - emphasize vegetables, fruits, whole grains and beans

- Eat less harmful food - reduce intake of sugar, soda, fats and processed foods

- Drink plenty of water - try for several glasses a day

- Exercise regularly - aim for 20 - 30 minutes, three to four times a week

- Stay positive - the right attitude will lead to greater success

In my office, many patients have had great success through the homeopathic hCG diet.  Unlike traditional hCG programs, there are no injections of high levels of the hormone hCG. Instead, smaller amounts are taken orally.  One patient in particular has lost more than 40 lbs in just 4 weeks!  We are so proud of him and his decision to be healthy! Whatever method of weight loss you choose, October is a great month to get started. If you need assistance in loosing weight, please contact our office. We want you to be healthier. We want you to succeed! Keith Biggs, DC

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Office Hours Change

Hello All!

This is just a friendly reminder that our office will be closed Monday, October 11th through Friday, October 15th.  We will resume normal business hours on Monday, October 18th at 8:30 AM.

Thank you,
Biggs Chiropractic

Keith E. Biggs, DC

3617 E. Southern, Suite 8
Mesa, AZ  85206
Office:  480-985-3334
Cell:     480-375-0068

Monday, October 4, 2010


Did you know that American's spend nearly $33 billion on alternative health care every year?  This represents about 11% of the total "out of pocket" health care costs incurred in the United States.

People continue to wake up to the fact that traditional health care, though very beneficial in emergency situations and in treating disease once health fails, continues to fall short in promoting and improving health and preventing disease through wellness care.

Alternative medicine fills this gap quite admirably, and people are willing to pay for it.

Most private pay insurances have little or no coverage for alternative medical care. Even company-provided health care plans allow for only limited exposure to alternative care providers.

The good news is that the cost of alternative health care, in general, is much less expensive than traditional health care. Chiropractors, acupuncturists, naturopaths, etc are very cost effective alternatives. Such physicians teach concepts of structural health, energy health, emotional stability, exercise, and the value of making good nutritional choices.

Preventing disease should not be aimed at the eradication of a particular bacterial or viral strain. Instead, resources should be spent on improving the overall health of the population through making good health-promoting choices.

Find a chiropractor or naturopath that you trust and like. He/She will be able to assist you with much of your healthy choices.  Even though you may be required to cover the cost on your own (thanks to your crisis-minded insurance plan), the benefits to your health are well worth it, and staying healthy will save you tons of money in the long run.

 Keith Biggs, DC

Monday, September 27, 2010

Try Some Glue...

I remember as a child thinking that tape and glue could fix almost anything. White glue, in particular, was the miracle salve for repairing the broken wing on many balsa wood airplanes.

As I got older, I found that white glue didn't work on everything. Plastic, for example, required a modeling or solvent based glue.  For a young mind, this caused confusion. What glue works best in what circumstances and with what materials?

I must admit that as I have grown older, the dilemma of glues, adhesives, solvents, pastes, cements, and tapes has only become more complicated.  It is no wonder that we, as adults, finally through up our hands and use duct tape for everything...

Lately, spinal surgeons have been trying to use glue to treat spinal compression fractures. They call it "vertebroplasty".  In the procedure, the surgeon injects a bone "glue" into the broken vertebra. Although the thought is that it will help to prevent deformity and pain, the research suggests the opposite.

"When you look at the science and research to-date, there is very strong Level 1 evidence to suggest that vertebroplasty does not provide the types of benefits it was previously thought to provide," says Stephen I. Esses, MD, the Houston, Texas-based orthopedic surgeon who led the AAOS workgroup that developed a new clinical practice guideline on the treatment of symptomatic osteoporotic spinal compression fractures. In a press release, AAOS clarified that Level 1 evidence "refers to studies done under the strictest scientific guidelines, including blinding randomization."
Spinal fractures usually occur when the bones of the spine have become so weakened by osteoporosis or medication usage that they finally collapse under the weight of the body. At times they can be caused by trauma, such as a hard fall or a motor vehicle accident. They can cause severe pain in the back, nerve pain, and physical deformity.

As Dr. Esses stated, there appears to be no benefit with injecting glue into the broken spinal bones.  Conservative Physio therapeutic care, such as that provided by a chiropractor or a PT is likely to be the best care available to help support the patient during healing. Acupuncture is also helpful in controlling pain while patients heal.

It is also essential to assist the patient with dealing with the causes of the fracture to begin with. Usually spinal compression fractures are the result of long term bone density loss, such as that which occurs years after a complete hysterectomy,  or after years of steroid medication usage.

There are risks and benefits associated with the new medications, such as Boniva.  Vitamin D, Calcium and other minerals are essential for good bone health.  Prevention is always the best medicine. Learn the risk factors and change your lifestyle before suffering from a compression fracture.

Keith Biggs, DC

Friday, September 24, 2010

Headache Relief

It is time to get simple, and real, as far as health care goes.  We have had run-away costs for years as more expensive treatments are discovered and touted. Often, however, we find that the most simple, cheapest, and  time tested remedies are the best.

Case in point is the recent study in Neurology that came to the conclusion that headaches are best treated with aspirin.  To be fare, the study talks about using intravenous solutions of aspirin, something that most of us do not have access to.  The problem with taking oral aspirin is that it can be very damaging to the stomach. Like any other medication, it is not healthy to take it long term.  Every year, there are thousands of people that die from oral doses of aspirin and ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin, etc). They typically develop bleeding sores in the stomach or intestines and they bleed internally.

How about something that has been around a lot longer, has fewer side effects, and is a healthy alternative?

Of course, I am talking about chiropractic adjustments of the neck and upper back.  You see, when the neck and upper back are not functioning very well, they cause nerve irritation, muscular tightness and tension. The combination of muscular tightness, nerve irritation, and joint dysfunction, what chiropractors call the "subluxation complex" is easily treated with chiropractic care.

There is not a day that goes by in my office that I do not treat somebody for headache pain. The miracle is that they typically respond very well to care.

Not every headache is caused, however, by neck and back problems. Some are the result of hormone imbalances, allergies, sensitivities, and circulation issues, just to name a few.  That is why you should be examined by a qualified chiropractic physician and/or your medical doctor. Just remember, that your MD will try to cure your headache problem with medications, and the last time that I checked, headaches are NOT caused by deficiency of aspirin, Tylenol, or Advil in your blood (these are ALL man-made chemicals that are foreign to your natural physiology).  Your chiropractor, on the other hand, will try to find natural alternatives that help to get to the CAUSE of your headaches, and not just cover up the symptom with a drug.

So if you have a headache, find a good DC (doctor of chiropractic). The healthy and drug-less solution is the best solution for the long term.

Keith Biggs, DC

Monday, September 20, 2010

Normal Neck Curves

Your neck has naturally occurring curve that is shaped like a "C". The mid back also has a curve in the opposite direction.  The lower back has a curve as well. It is what gives you that indentation in the small of your back.

The entire spine works together to help support your weight and structure against the forces of gravity, and the stresses inflicted upon it by physical activity. The neck is a very delicate area, and is often the part of the spine that first shows signs of wear and tear.

One of the first things that happens is that you can loose that normal "C" shaped curve. This is often called "millitary neck.  Without an x-ray, it is very difficult to detect. There are many things that can contribute to the loss of the normal neck curve, including poor posture habits, car accident injuries, sport injuries, spinal developmental problems, and scoliosis, just to name a few.

The problem with a loss of the curve is that such a posture places an incredible amount of pressure on the joints of the lower part of the neck.  This increased pressure over time can cause early "wear and tear", often referred to as spondylosis or osteoarthritis.  As the degeneration progresses, delicate nerve tissue can be irritated, resulting in pain, numbness, tingling, and/or weakness in the shoulder, upper arm, lower arm, hand, fingers, or all the above.  Many people who think that they have carpal tunnel syndrome actually have moderate to severe neck degeneration with nerve irritation.

Good neck health is essential to good overall health.  How do you know if you or someone you know has neck problems?  Here are some simple things that you can watch for at home:

1) Can you turn your neck to the right and to the left equally and without pain or restriction? (normal rotation is nearly 90 degrees to the right and 90 degrees to the left, without moving the upper back to compensate)
2) How is side bending? You should be able to bend your neck to the side 45 degrees without pain or restriction. (some people will start to rotate or turn their necks to compensate. Make sure this is avoided in order to test true side bending ability)
3) Do you get headaches frequently? (headaches are often the result of neck problems)
4) Watch for signs of numbness or tingling or pain in the arms or hands.

Neck problems, if left uncorrected, only get worse. If you have any questions, or if you are unsure as to whether or not you are having spine problems in the neck or any other area, call my office, mention this blog post, and ask for a complimentary consultation and examination.

Keith Biggs, DC

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Shame on Blue!

I have been a provider for Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Arizona (BCBS) for more than 20 years. At first, they were a premier company, and they allowed patients to seek chiropractic care as an alternative form of treatment. I used to recommend that my patients, if they had the chance, choose BCBS as their insurance company.  My advice now is to NOT use BCBS as your insurance company!

My how things change...

About three years ago, BCBS made a strategic, and brilliant move. It was a calculated move with one goal in mind: To eliminate reimbursement by BCBS to chiropractors for treatment, and by so doing, shifting all of the cost to you, the patient.

How did they do it?  Let me explain.

First, they did something that I, and many other chiropractors, consider to be illegal. Something so simple, almost flattering, but so vile and damning: They classified all chiropractors as specialists. Ironically, in the state of Arizona, chiropractors are primary care physicians, according to state law, and as such, cannot even advertise themselves as being a specialist of any kind.  This seemingly benign move actually increased the co-pay that every patient pays to their chiropractor at the time of visit from about $20 per visit to $45 dollars per visit, or more.  If you had insurance through BCBS three years ago, you probably noticed this change.

Since most visits in my office are at or below $50 (that being all that BCBS will allow), once we, as chiropractors, collect your co-pay, the amount due from BCBS is usually close to $0.  That is right. In most cases, BCBS is not contributing to help pay for your chiropractic treatment. ZERO.

Now, they advertise that they allow so many chiropractic visits per year. They will tell you and your employer "yes, we cover chiropractic care".  You see, these are selling points. Consumers want chiropractic care. They see the value in what we, as alternative medicine practitioners, do. BCBS promises to cover chiropractic care, but in actual administration, pays little or nothing of your office visit.

Chiropractors have battled back over the past few years. First, we tried to pass a new law that would force all insurance companies to not discriminate against non-MD health care providers.  BCBS and other insurance companies hired expensive lobbyists to sway the Arizona State House of Representatives in their favor, and our equality bill stalled in the House of Representatives.  Legislators told the chiropractors that the current anti-discrimination laws were strong enough, and that the matter should be brought before the Arizona Department of Insurance (ADI) and the state attorney general for enforcement.

Chiropractors asked the ADI to help, and they did nothing. An appeal was then made to the Arizona State Attorney General's office (AG) to render an opinion regarding BCBS alleged illegal discriminatory practices. The AG stonewalled for two long years before making a decision (too busy with political in-fighting and snipe hunts). Finally a decision was handed down after much prodding from the state chiropractors. The AG's office stated that BCBS could call chiropractors "specialists", and force you, the patient, to pay a higher co-pay every visit.  Chalk one up for the bad guys, again, and damn you, the consumer, and your rights.  Thank you Terry Goddard.

I wish that the story ended here, but it doesn't.  The Arizona Chiropractic Society (ACS) has decided to file a lawsuit against the Arizona Department of Insurance (ADI)  for failing to uphold insurance equality laws.  This will be a costly fight, but I for one believe that it is timely. Many chiropractors are contributing to the legal war chest, and once the funds are in place, ACS will file the suit.

BCBS, on the other hand, has not been sitting by quietly relishing in their victories.  I received a letter from BCBS this past month informing me that ASH (American Specialty Health) has been contracted by BCBS to determine medical necessity of all BCBS chiropractic treatment claims. If you have BCBS, you probably got a letter too.  The reason given why BCBS is making this change, according to an ASH representative who came to my office, is to reduce chiropractic claim expenses through BCBS by reducing your access to your chiropractor.

Amazing... since my BCBS insured patients are already paying nearly 100% of their own costs for "insured"chiropractic care, how much does BCBS expect to save by further restricting patient access to me, the chiropractor?  In reality, such a move will INCREASE costs to BCBS, as more and more patients select the more expensive yet covered benefits of epidural injections, expensive narcotics, spinal surgeries, etc, with all of their medical side effects! Clearly, BCBS believes that the best defense is a good offense.

This is how ASH works.  I can see a patient for 5 visits. Then, before the sixth visit, I have to apply for pre-authorization. IF all is in order with my appeal, according to the hired harlots (reviewers... who have sold their souls to save BCBS money) at ASH, perhaps they will authorize one or two more visits...perhaps. (ASH has a track record. The average treatment being deemed "medically necessary" by ASH is 5-8 visits).  It doesn't matter if your BCBS Policy allows 20, 50, or even 100 chiropractic visits per year.  The most ironic thing about this new ASH contract and their tactics is that you, the BCBS premium payer, is the one that funds them.  See how it works? You get less care, doctors don't get paid, and a new middle man, ASH, gets a large piece of the pie. "The pie" is your medical insurance premium.  Aren't you glad that you get to pay more money so that more bureaucrats can deny you of benefits? It gives me the warm fuzzies... no wait, that is nausea. 

I would like to tell BCBS and ASH what they can do with their claims, with the paperwork, with their heartless treatment of patients, and with their discriminatory practices, but lets just say that it would be anatomically impossible for them to file everything where the "sun doesn't shine..."

Am I mad? YOU BET I AM!  If you have BCBS, you should  be too.  Even though my profession is fighting BCBS and ASH, we cannot do it alone. If you have BCBS, you are probably already paying for all of your chiropractic care with your own co-pay. You might as well join an HMO, obtain better medical coverage, pay less for the coverage, and continue to pay for your chiropractic care out of your own pocket.

On the other hand, you could just sit quietly by and let BCBS get away with their dirty, and in my mind, illegal and discriminatory practices.


Keith E. Biggs, DC

Monday, September 13, 2010

Remember Vitamin B for Brain

I recently posted to my Therapeutic Foods blog about how a connection between Vitamin B and Brain Diseases.  I hope that this helps you!

Keith E. Biggs, DC

3617 E. Southern, Suite 8
Mesa, AZ  85206
Office:  480-985-3334
Cell:     480-375-0068

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Massage Helps with Immune and Endocrine Systems

Researchers in Cedars-Sinai's Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Neurosciences have reported people who undergo massage experience measureable changes in their body's immune and endocrine response. The following are some sections taken from an article published on the website Medical News Today.

In the study, 29 subjects received 45 minutes of Swedish massage and 24 received 45 minutes of light touch massage.

Among the study's results:

- People in the Swedish massage group experienced significant changes in lymphocytes ,(lymphocyte numbers and percentages white blood cells that play a large role in defending the body from disease.

- Swedish massage caused a large decrease (effect size -.74) in Arginine Vasopressin (AVP) a hormone believed to play a role in aggressive behavior and linked to helping cause increases in the stress hormone cortisol.

- Swedish massage caused a decrease in levels of the stress hormone cortisol.

- Swedish massage caused a notable decrease in most cytokines produced by stimulated white blood cells.

The results of this study cause me to reflect on health and wellness in general. It is always amazing to me how alternative medicine can have such a profound effect on the health and well being of individuals, all with minimal or no potential for negative side effects.

So, I have to do this. Please excuse me...


Too many of us wait for tragedy before we decide that it is time to make a change. Imagine the power in making a healthy change BEFORE any tragic event.  If you desire health, start implementing some of these ideas:
1) Eat a Mediterranean diet, and supplement it with vitamins and minerals.
2) Exercise 3-4 times per week for 30 minutes.
3) Get a regular massage.
4) Get regular chiropractic adjustments.
5) Begin using some form of energy medicine, such as acupuncture, on a regular basis to PROMOTE health.

In short, stop neglecting your HEALTH.  Healthy living requires some sacrifices, but the rewards are unmeasurable.

Keith Biggs, DC

Friday, September 3, 2010

I Think I Have a Slipped Disc Doc!

I have heard this phrase more than once during my 21 years of private practice.  These patients are almost always shocked when I tell them that there is no such thing as a slipped disc!  I tell them that discs can tear, rip, herniate, and bulge, but since they are attached to the bone above and the bone below, their is no way that they can "slip". Once I explain this, the patient usually always asks, "so what is a bulging disc?"

And that, my friends, is a very complicated answer.

First of all, a little anatomy.  As you can see in the picture, the disc is the specialized cartilage material between the bones or vertebra of the spine. It is made up of two primary parts, namely the Nucleus Pulposus and the Annulus Fibrosus.  The nucleus is a very fluid type of material, having a consistency similar to grape jelly. The annulus is layer upon layer of strong fibrous bands.  Think of the disc as a small hydraulic cylinder.  Look at the picture again. See how close the disc is to the Nerve Root and the Spinal Cord?

So, what is a bulging disc? How about a disc protrusion?

I recently obtained a report for an MRI of a patient's spine. (MRI stands for Magnetic Resonance Imaging, but that is best left for a future post).  In the report, the radiologist described disc bulges and protrusions. I knew that the patient deserved and needed the most accurate report from me regarding the examination and report, so I called the radiologist for further clarification.

He was very kind and helpful, but also expressed the same frustration with the use of the terms that I have experienced.  The problem is that the terms are often inappropriately used, and the definitions have become blurred.

This is what he taught me on the phone, in a nutshell...

A disc bulge is a very broad based extension of the annular fibers past the border of the vertebral body. A disc protrusion is a more localized and focal disc bulge extending beyond the vertebral body. The term Herniation is often used when it is somewhere between a bulge and a protrusion.  Are you confused yet?

An extrusion is a condition in which the nucleus, or central part of the disc has ruptured through the outer fibers of the disc and is now beyond the annular rings.

As for what this all means for the patient. All of the above listed disc injuries can cause some serious pain and disability. The bulging, herniating, or protruding disc can cause pressure on the spinal cord and other nerves. Even the slightest of pressure or irritation can cause significant pain.  The good news, however, is that only the most severe of these requires surgical treatment. 95% of all disc problems can be treated through conservative, non-surgical care. This includes chiropractic, acupuncture, massage, etc.  Spinal surgery is risky, and usually should be done when other options have been exhausted.

Keith Biggs, DC

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Acupuncture Diagnosis Methods

Acupuncture diagnosis or analysis traditionally was performed through the five senses. A traditional acupuncturist would look at a patient's skin and eye color, and the color and texture of the tongue. They would feel the texture of the skin, and the intensity of pulses at the wrists. They would pay attention to smells and odors emitted by the patient. The doctors would listen to complaints and the breathing of their patients. They would have the patient describe prominent tastes and odors. Many acupuncture doctors today rely heavily upon what is known as a pulse diagnostic. Through artful palpation at the wrists, 6 distinct pulses are analyzed on each side, corresponding to the 12 paired meridians.

Computerized Acupuncture Testing

Japanese acupuncturists began integrating ancient philosophy with modern technology. They began to utilize sensitive electrical instruments to measure electrical potential of the meridians and acupuncture points. Within the modern computer age, electrical testing devices have been linked with computers and software enabling the acupuncturist to quickly and accurately evaluate a patient, graph the results of the evaluation, and then apply Chinese theory in choosing the appropriate points to treat. The combination of these technologies have enabled acupuncturists to more accurately evaluate and treat the patient, all with greater efficiency, and also provides the acupuncture doctor with a method of charting patient responses to treatment.

In my office, I use Acugraphing to analyze the state of my patient's chi system. This provides for a repeatable results and a baseline from which to measure progress for the patients.

If you would like to experience what acupuncture can do for you or a loved one first hand, click on this link to get to a page where you can establish contact with my office. I would be very happy to see you and explain acupuncture and acugraphing during a complementary consultation.

Keith Biggs, DC
3617 E. Southern, Suite 8
Mesa, AZ  85206

Monday, August 30, 2010

Exercise Better than NSAIDs for Chronic Lower Back Pain

A recent study in Japan shows that for chronic lower back pain, home based exercise programs are more effective than taking NSAIDS, such as Advil and Motrin.

Although the medications might be helpful in reducing pain and inflammation temporarily, they do nothing to help the condition generally, and in fact, actually cause further damage and degenerative changes to cartilage over time with usage.

Exercises, when performed regularly at home, were shown to be more effective in reducing pain and improving core stability. The side effect of exercise, in contrast to the side effects of medicating for pain, is good health.

The key is stick with it. The study was conducted over a one year period of time.

If you suffer from chronic lower back pain, these tips could help:
1) Eat healthy! Avoid fatty foods and foods that are high in refined carbohydrates. Add a multi-vitamin and fish oils to your diet.
2) Visit your chiropractor, and get adjusted regularly. Proper movement and alignment of the spine is essential for good spinal health.
3) Learn some good home exercises, and DO THEM every day. Here is a link for some exercises to get you started:
4) Get out and into the sun for at least 15 minutes every day to improve your outlook and improve your health.

Lower back pain can be debilitating, but it doesn't have to be! Be proactive, and take the least amount of medications you absolutely have to. Try the steps listed above, and when you find what works, stick with it, making it a part of your life.

Keith Biggs, DC
3617 E. Southern, Suite 8
Mesa, AZ  85206

Thursday, August 26, 2010

X-Ray of Lower Cervical Degeneration

In my last post, I talked about the affect that lower neck degeneration can have on the upper neck region. I just wanted to post a quick picture of cervical spine (neck) degeneration so that you can see how damaging this condition can be.

Keith Biggs, DC

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Lower Neck Joint Degeneration and Headaches

While I was looking for articles regarding headaches, I cam across this article in the Dynamic Chiropractic. I was intrigued by the connection of lower neck degeneration and headaches.

In 20 years of clinical practice, I have come to understand that significant mechanical stresses over time appear to primarily affect the mid to lower cervical spine. Lateral view x-rays readily show degeneration in these areas, though often the degenerative changes are passed over by medical radiologists as being "normal".

Many of the patients suffering from lower neck degeneration also experience neck related headaches. Typically they have tight shoulder and upper back muscles, tightness at the base of the skull, and pain at the base of the head. The pain can spread up and over the top of the head and even into the eyes.

The above article points out how when lower neck disc degeneration is present, it alters the mechanics of the upper neck region. This in turn can cause irritation of the sub-occipital nerve, resulting in headache pain. The author further points out that traction therapy to the damaged discs of the lower neck region causes a reactionary relaxation in the upper neck, reducing the tendency for headaches.

In my office, I have found this to be true. I employ the Triton DTS spinal decompression therapy whenever I encounter a patient with mid to lower neck disc degeneration with accompanying upper thoracic and cervical spine myofascitis. The traction has also been beneficial in reducing cervical/brachial syndrome.

Keith Biggs, DC
Biggs Chiropractic & Acupuncture
3617 E. Southern, Suite 8
Mesa, AZ  85206

Monday, August 23, 2010

Drink Water, Loose Weight

A recent study at Virginia Tech University shows that dieters who drink two cups of water before every meal loose 30% more weight than those that don't.

Drinking the water isn't thought to cause the subjects of the study to burn more fat, but simply to consume fewer calories at meal time. The best information is that for those people in the study that continued the habit, a large percentage were able to sustain the weight loss, and even over time loose a few more pounds.

If you are trying to loose weight, what do you have to loose?

Obesity is a national problem. It leads to many health problems, including some of the most deadly. Diabetes, Cancer, Heart disease, and strokes are just some of the diseases related to overeating and poor diets.

Water, on the other hand, is essential for proper cell hydration and for the elimination of waste through the urine and bowel. The best idea is to avoid chlorine laden water.

So, if you want to loose a few pounds, drink a couple of cups of water before meals. Like many natural remedies for health problems, the potential up-side is fantastic, while if it doesn't help you to loose weight, you still will benefit from the improved hydration.

So, take a good drink before you eat.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Health in a Bottle

I recently watched a movie called "Food Matters". I enjoyed it very much, and it caused me to think.  I would highly recommend it to everyone, and it is easily obtained through a Netflix account.

The movie talks about how we, as a society of people, are killing ourselves through our choices of foods. The old adage "you are what you eat" is brought painfully clear. To keep it simple, we have a tendency to eat trash. Yes, I said trash. What I am referring to is the typical western diet that consists primarily of high calorie/low nutrient content foods.

Trash foods are processed, consist of high levels of chemicals, contain refined carbohydrates (sugars and starches), and are high in saturated fats (fried foods, lard, butter, etc.)

Think logically for just a moment.

Man was not designed to subsist on such a diet. Period.  Think of early man (Adam and Eve for those that believe in God, or evolutionary predecessors for those that are atheists). What do you think they ate? Corn flakes, Big Macs, Fries, soft drinks?  How about chicken-fried stake?  I know, it was probably cookies, cakes, and doughnuts.

Yes, I am being sarcastic. But the point of the matter is that your body and mine were not designed for the foods/fuels that we now feed them. So, what did early man eat?  How about plants, nuts, seeds, fruits, fish, and other forms of meats that could be caught and killed.  We would typically call our ancestors hunters and gatherers, and I don't mean the kind that hunt down the nearest In-and-out Hamburger joint for a double-double, fries, and drink.

The processed, carbohydrate, and fat heavy diet that we now eat is far from healthy, and it is killing us.  This type of diet causes the most common killers of mankind. Let me name a few: Heart Disease, Cancer, Diabetes.  This bad diet also contributes to the pain and inflammation of arthritis, fibromyalgia, muscle pain.  What about digestive diseases like irritable bowel syndrome, gastric reflux disease, and ulcers?

I like to call these diseases "diseases of choice". We choose to get them. We do this by eating garbage and avoiding exercise.  Once we have these diseases, we turn to medications (other man-made chemicals) with the promise of health.

Doesn't this sound absurd?  Foreign man-made chemicals (bad foods) cause our diseases, and then we look for man-made chemical (medicines) to cure the diseases.  It might hurt you to finally hear this, but health is not found in a bottle of pills. It never was, and it never will be.  Health is found through healthy living habits, and the one that is violated over and over again is the human diet.

Here are some healthy ideas about foods:
1) Make at least 50% of all your foods raw. Please note that I said raw and not lightly steamed. This includes whole fruits, vegetables, plants, salads, etc.
2) Simplify your proteins. Eat broiled fish, skinless broiled chicken, turkey. Avoid processed meats like sausage, lunch meats, hot dogs, etc.  Other red meats can be used, but do so sparingly.
3) When in the supermarket, stay in the outside isles. Most of the processed foods are in the inner part of the stores.
4) Get rid of the creamy salad dressings!  Use olive oil based dressings. They contain essential fatty acids that are actually healthy for your heart!
5) Stop using rice, potatoes, breads, and pastas as the main dishes. In our western diet we use many of these as fillers. They are cheap, easily produced, and they fill us up. They are also simple sugars. They make our cholesterol go up, along with our weight.

Take a look at the food pyramid diagram above. It is for the Mediterranean Diet, and I believe that this is a healthy place to start, although I would recommend ONLY whole grains, and to avoid too many breads in general. For some, these suggestions will cause monumental changes to how you shop for and eat foods. For others, the changes will be less dramatic. Whatever the case may be, take steps in the right direction. Don't be discouraged if you fall off the healthy food bandwagon from time to time. Any changes you can make in the right direction can have positive benefits on your health.  When combined with chiropractic adjustments, holistic acupuncture, massage, and regular exercise, the results can be very dynamic.  You are responsible for your health, so make some healthy choices regarding food, and stop looking for health in a pill bottle.

Keith E. Biggs, DC

3617 E. Southern, Suite 8
Mesa, AZ  85206
Office:  480-985-3334
Cell:     480-375-0068