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Friday, September 24, 2010

Headache Relief

It is time to get simple, and real, as far as health care goes.  We have had run-away costs for years as more expensive treatments are discovered and touted. Often, however, we find that the most simple, cheapest, and  time tested remedies are the best.

Case in point is the recent study in Neurology that came to the conclusion that headaches are best treated with aspirin.  To be fare, the study talks about using intravenous solutions of aspirin, something that most of us do not have access to.  The problem with taking oral aspirin is that it can be very damaging to the stomach. Like any other medication, it is not healthy to take it long term.  Every year, there are thousands of people that die from oral doses of aspirin and ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin, etc). They typically develop bleeding sores in the stomach or intestines and they bleed internally.

How about something that has been around a lot longer, has fewer side effects, and is a healthy alternative?

Of course, I am talking about chiropractic adjustments of the neck and upper back.  You see, when the neck and upper back are not functioning very well, they cause nerve irritation, muscular tightness and tension. The combination of muscular tightness, nerve irritation, and joint dysfunction, what chiropractors call the "subluxation complex" is easily treated with chiropractic care.

There is not a day that goes by in my office that I do not treat somebody for headache pain. The miracle is that they typically respond very well to care.

Not every headache is caused, however, by neck and back problems. Some are the result of hormone imbalances, allergies, sensitivities, and circulation issues, just to name a few.  That is why you should be examined by a qualified chiropractic physician and/or your medical doctor. Just remember, that your MD will try to cure your headache problem with medications, and the last time that I checked, headaches are NOT caused by deficiency of aspirin, Tylenol, or Advil in your blood (these are ALL man-made chemicals that are foreign to your natural physiology).  Your chiropractor, on the other hand, will try to find natural alternatives that help to get to the CAUSE of your headaches, and not just cover up the symptom with a drug.

So if you have a headache, find a good DC (doctor of chiropractic). The healthy and drug-less solution is the best solution for the long term.

Keith Biggs, DC

1 comment:

  1. The next time I experience headache, I will consult a chiropractor instead of taking medicines. It is better to heal naturally than taking those chemicals in your body.
    Chiropractor Denver
