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Wednesday, January 26, 2011

A Generally Good Idea

I recently read an article written about Brigadier General Becky Halstead (retired). General Halstead is the first female West Point graduate in U.S. history to command at the strategic level in Iraq and Afghanistan.  Regrettably, she decided to retire prematurely due to the disabling symptoms that she was experiencing because of fibromyalgia.

Fibromyalgia is a painful condition. There is no lab test, x-ray, MRI, CT scan, or ultrasound test that can be used to diagnose the condition. The diagnosis is one of exclusion. Once all the tests are done and there is no definitive abnormality, the patient is finally told that they must have fibromyalgia... or that the pain is psychosomatic (all in their mind).

Traditional treatment for fibromyalgia is... you guessed it... pain medication. Sometimes a sleeping aid will be used as well because of a possible link of fibromyalgia to insomnia and lack of REM sleep.  I have had patients who have been treated with anti-depressants as well.

What in the world is going on here?  Lets step back and take another look at this...

1) We have a disease/problem that is impossible to diagnose.  It does cause significant pain and in some cases the pain can be debilitating.
2) Fibromyalgia, being a chronic condition, is treated with pain drugs, sometimes over a lifetime, that only cover the symptoms and do nothing for the disease itself. This is done at the expense of the patient's liver, kidneys, stomach, heart, lungs, mind, etc.

There are alternatives... and General Halstead found them.  General Halstead said: "Chiropractic treatment helped improve my whole outlook on dealing with this chronic ailment. The spinal adjustments along with the postural and nutritional advice I received helped to treat the fibromyalgia and allowed me to have many days with minimal pain -- and most days without any medications. The care of a doctor of chiropractic was life changing for me."

Follow the leader. Stop taking medications like they are candy and like they have no bad impact on your overall health.  Try something else!  Try Chiropractic... or how about acupuncture to help manage the pain. How about doing some gentle exercise, or changing your diet for the better? If you try any of these alternatives to treat your fibromyalgia, the worst that will happen is that you will be generally healthier, even if your pain doesn't improve!

Keith Biggs, DC

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