Allergy Season! AAAACHOOO!
Is it me, or has anyone else noticed how prevalent allergy symptoms and sufferers have become? When I was a kid, perhaps I was less aware, but it didn't seem like so many people were sufferers.
I know that this next statement might surprise many of you... and others it might simply offend, but I have to tell you. If I don't, I will feel like I have cheated you. Please don't but mad at me, especially my medical doctor friends.... but the truth is... the traditional medical treatments for symptoms related to allergies are not good for you! They do not promote health and wellness! They treat symptoms, and in the process, they can cause you harm!
Consider Claritin, for example. This Link will take you to a site that talks about the adverse affects of Claritin. Yes, this medication can help to decrease your symptoms, for a period of time, but at what cost?
What about some of those inhalers? Consider this article by Dr. Louise Chang, MD.
Scary, Isn't it?
So, what are allergy sufferers to do?
First of all, change your environment. You can do this by using good filters in your air conditioning and heating system, and changing them at least monthly. Not only will this improve you air quality, but it will increase the life of your air conditioner!
Now, this next suggestion is controversial... I know that pets are like family, but...
Consider moving your dogs, cats, and other pets out-of-doors... or if your symptoms are bad enough, find them another home (GASP!)
Clean your carpets, rugs, and furniture regularly. Make sure to change your linens on your bed weekly.
There are some indications that respiratory allergies are related to our modern western diets. I know, changing this can be harder than getting rid of the pets, but consider a Vegan or Vegetarian diet. Vegans and Vegetarians suffer from fewer air borne allergy symptoms.
Here is a list of foods that cause inflammatory responses and more allergy symptoms. They should be avoided:
1) Chocolate
2) Dairy Products
3) Sugars
4) Gluten containing foods
5) Foods with Dyes, Colorants, Sulfites, and Benzoate
This next list is a group of foods that supplements that you should increase:
1) Omega-3 fatty acids, such as in fish and flax seed
2) Onions
3) Garlic
4) Ginger
5) Honey, especially honey harvested locally.
6) Fresh vegetables and Fruits
Add in these herbs:
1) Rosemary
2) Turmeric
3) Boswellia
Now, consider taking these suppliments. They help because of their anti-oxidant properties:
1) Vitamin C
2) Vitamin E
3) Selenium
4) Carotenoids
5) Bioflavenoids
You might also consider taking an enzyme supplement to further reduce your bodies tendency towards inflammation. Enzymes from Papaya and Pineapple fruits are a good choice. These can be obtained through eating the fruits (whole, natural, fresh), or through supplementation.
In my office, I have found several things to be helpful. Chiropractic adjustments of the neck region will help to improve drainage from the sinuses. Adjustments of the mid back area help to increase lung capacity in the asthmatic. Acupuncture and acupressure can also help to reduce the symptoms of asthma and sinus inflammation.
Many patients have responded to homeopathics in helping to reduce their allergic responses to naturally occurring allergens. Phenolic therapy has helped me personally, and is administered simply through drops placed under the tongue. Contact me if you are interested.
Yes, it is allergy season, but if you are proactive, careful, and educated, you can significantly limit your suffering. Take some simple steps, and implement them one at a time. Soon you will find that your dependency on medications have decreased, and so have your allergy symptoms!
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