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Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Acupuncture Diagnosis Methods

Acupuncture diagnosis or analysis traditionally was performed through the five senses. A traditional acupuncturist would look at a patient's skin and eye color, and the color and texture of the tongue. They would feel the texture of the skin, and the intensity of pulses at the wrists. They would pay attention to smells and odors emitted by the patient. The doctors would listen to complaints and the breathing of their patients. They would have the patient describe prominent tastes and odors. Many acupuncture doctors today rely heavily upon what is known as a pulse diagnostic. Through artful palpation at the wrists, 6 distinct pulses are analyzed on each side, corresponding to the 12 paired meridians.

Computerized Acupuncture Testing

Japanese acupuncturists began integrating ancient philosophy with modern technology. They began to utilize sensitive electrical instruments to measure electrical potential of the meridians and acupuncture points. Within the modern computer age, electrical testing devices have been linked with computers and software enabling the acupuncturist to quickly and accurately evaluate a patient, graph the results of the evaluation, and then apply Chinese theory in choosing the appropriate points to treat. The combination of these technologies have enabled acupuncturists to more accurately evaluate and treat the patient, all with greater efficiency, and also provides the acupuncture doctor with a method of charting patient responses to treatment.

In my office, I use Acugraphing to analyze the state of my patient's chi system. This provides for a repeatable results and a baseline from which to measure progress for the patients.

If you would like to experience what acupuncture can do for you or a loved one first hand, click on this link to get to a page where you can establish contact with my office. I would be very happy to see you and explain acupuncture and acugraphing during a complementary consultation.

Keith Biggs, DC
3617 E. Southern, Suite 8
Mesa, AZ  85206

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