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Monday, August 23, 2010

Drink Water, Loose Weight

A recent study at Virginia Tech University shows that dieters who drink two cups of water before every meal loose 30% more weight than those that don't.

Drinking the water isn't thought to cause the subjects of the study to burn more fat, but simply to consume fewer calories at meal time. The best information is that for those people in the study that continued the habit, a large percentage were able to sustain the weight loss, and even over time loose a few more pounds.

If you are trying to loose weight, what do you have to loose?

Obesity is a national problem. It leads to many health problems, including some of the most deadly. Diabetes, Cancer, Heart disease, and strokes are just some of the diseases related to overeating and poor diets.

Water, on the other hand, is essential for proper cell hydration and for the elimination of waste through the urine and bowel. The best idea is to avoid chlorine laden water.

So, if you want to loose a few pounds, drink a couple of cups of water before meals. Like many natural remedies for health problems, the potential up-side is fantastic, while if it doesn't help you to loose weight, you still will benefit from the improved hydration.

So, take a good drink before you eat.

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