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Wednesday, November 3, 2010

20% Suffer with Arthritis

Arthritis limits mobility, causes pain, affects more than 20 percent of the population and costs the U.S., and costs $128 billion annually.  Data from a recent government survey found that from 2007 through 2009, close to 50 million people had been diagnosed with arthritis by their doctor. Those most at risk were individuals who are obese, those who exercised less, those who smoke, and those who have lower levels of education. Arthritis is injury and inflammation of the joints. Arthritis is typically associated with pain, swelling, stiffness and limited motion. 

The medical approach to treating arthritis is primarily limited to pain medication. Severe cases are treated surgically through joint replacement procedures.  The medical treatment of arthritis with medications such as Tylenol, Motrin, Advil, Aleve, Celebrex, and Viox comes at a significant cost to the patient, and I am not talking simply financial. Liver disease, heart attacks, ulcers, gastrointestinal bleeding, and strokes are just some of the conditions that are linked to taking these pain medications. Some speculate that these drugs actually accelerate degenerative changes (arthritis) within joints. Surgical joint replacement offers not guarantee, and like any surgical procedure, puts the patient at risk of infection, stroke, and even death.

Doctors of chiropractic are experts at treating the many joints of the body in order to restore motion and nutrition to the joints, thereby reducing inflammation, stiffness and pain. One of the most common forms of treatment utilized by the chiropractor is the adjustment or manipulation of the joints. If you are suffering from pain, stiffness or swelling of one or more joints, schedule a consultation or examination from your local chiropractor today to see of chiropractic can help. 

Keith Biggs, DC

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