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Thursday, December 9, 2010

Arthritis Pain Alternatives

Recently I came across this article that was posted on MSN. I thought that it was well done, and provided some valuable information, so here is the link:

Pain medication for the treatment of arthritis pain only masks the symptoms.  There are also several negative side affects related to taking pain medication. For example, Ibuprofen is linked to gastrointestinal bleeding, and is responsible for an estimated 100,000 deaths every year. Tylenol, on the other hand, is severely toxic to the liver.

The good news about the alternatives listed in the article is that the side affects are improved health generally. In other words, if they don't have any affect on your arthritis pain, they are likely to help your body be more healthy generally.

Say No to Drugs... something that we try and teach our children, but something that many of us, as adults, should take to heart.

Keith Biggs, DC

1 comment:

  1. Chiropractic saves patients money by reducing their need for pain medication. Many drugs merely mask pain without addressing its underlying cause. Chiropractic goes to the root of the problem, helping patients live pain-free without the use of medication.

    Have you ever estimated how much money your family spends on pain medication per year? If not, calculate it now. (Take care to include over-the-counter drug costs, which alone can reach monumental sums.) Chances are you’re spending more on covering up your pain with drugs than it would cost to treat your family to a year’s worth of preventative chiropractic care!
