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Friday, December 10, 2010


TMJ discorder is a condition that is characterized by abnormal motion, function, or pain in the jaw joints.  In my office, we have historically used jaw joint adjustment techniques and soft tissue therapies to the muscles involved in jaw joint movement.  At times, we also recommend a bite guard or "splint". Sometimes an oral surgeon or dentist must be employed.

Just today, in my office, I used a new technique to treat a patient with bothersome clicking and discomfort in the jaw joint.  I used a type of acupuncture therapy known as auriculotherapy. To put it simply, I used a small, hand-held electrical devise to stimulate acupuncture points in the ears that are related to TMJ disorders. The result was amazing and instantaneous. The patient moved her jaw after only 5 minutes of treatment, and the look of surprise in her eyes told of the amazing results. She was experiencing no more clicking in the jaw. The amazing thing about this case is that she has been my patient for several months, and I had tried many things to try and help the jaw clicking. All of my typical treatment methods had failed, and I had sent her to her dentist and an oral surgeon for treatment.  Within the past month or so, however, I had learned more regarding Auriculotherapy, and I decided today, with the patient, that we had nothing to loose by trying it.

Based on the results, I will be using this specialized acupuncture technique more frequently!

Keith Biggs, DC

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