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Monday, December 6, 2010

Ear Acupuncture for Headache

It was a long day at work today, and at the end, I had one last patient to treat today... Kim, my receptionist. She is an awesome worker, and she said that she was feeling a nasty headache in the base of her skull and top of her neck.

Normally, I would place her on the adjusting table and look for abnormal joint motion in the upper neck and hypertonic or tight muscles in the neck and shoulder region. Instead, I grabbed the Stim Plus Pro, a small electrical acupuncture device, and I pulled up some auriculotherapy, or ear acupuncture charts, and started treating points in her left and right ears.

The response was amazing. I started working on her right ear, and within 2-3 minutes, the headache was totally gone on the right side of her head. I then moved to the left ear. Again, after spending a few short minutes treating points (all without needles!), the pain was gone in the head completely.

This was accomplished WITHOUT any medication, without chiropractic manipulation, without trigger point work, and WITHOUT NEEDLES.

Auriculotherapy, or ear acupuncture, is a branch of acupuncture, and it is amazing how powerful it is. If you or somebody you know suffers from headaches, perhaps this is a treatment method that they would benefit from. It is safe, affective, and relatively easy to apply.

There are many other conditions that respond well to this type of treatment. They include back pain, pain in other parts of the body, digestion issues, allergies, and smoking addiction, just to name a few. I am also currently treating patients for weight loss with auriculotherapy to help reduce appetite.

Keith Biggs, DC

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