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Saturday, December 4, 2010


Auriculotherapy is s sub-specialty of acupuncture in which the points being treated are within the ears. It offers many benefits to the patient.

1)     All of the points being treated are in the ear. The patient doesn’t have to get into a gown or disrobe.
 The treatment can be done with or without needles. In my office, I prefer to use a hand held electrical device that allows me to search for and treat the acupuncture points.
 The results of treatment can be instantaneous. Just last week I had a patient that excitedly said her lower back pain was gone after only 20 seconds of stimulation on 3 acupuncture points in her left ear!

There are literally hundreds of conditions that can be treated with auriculotherapy. Some of the most commonly known are the addictions. Many people find that auriculotherapy helps in smoking cessation, alcohol addiction, and in weight loss programs. Auriculotherapy is also very beneficial in treating painful conditions such as back pain, neck pain, and headaches.  As stated before, it is painless and often immediately affective.

Like full body acupuncture, many internal organ issues can be benefited.  Just yesterday I had a patient that was being treated for weight loss. She was in my office for her second treatment. When we were done, she asked me if the treatment that I had given her might have some affect on her digestion. She said that she felt that her bowel movements were more regular after her first treatment. She confided in me that she often went for several days without evacuating her bowel.  A review of the points used for the treatment of digestive issues, when compared to those used for weight loss revealed several overlaps.

In short, auriculotherapy offers a painless, no-needle acupuncture option for the treatment of many conditions. There are no side effects and few contraindications for its use.
Keith Biggs, DC

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